The forgotten son of digital marketing

The forgotten son of digital marketing

The forgotten son of digital marketing

The digital marketing landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, and businesses can be forgiven for investing a lot of time and energy into social media campaigns and other digital marketing efforts.  Be careful not to lose sight of the fact that consumers are exposed to so much information on their social media newsfeeds, that if your content is not top-notch, you will get lost in the noise.  Digital marketing is more than just social media.  It is an intricate ecosystem of applications, processes, networks and methodologies that generates a huge amount of data. The value you gain from this data can be maximized with the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution.

Combined data = more insight into your customer

Effective marketing professionals understand that the value of social goes beyond ROI and conversions. Less tangible benefits, like brand awareness and market intelligence are also generated from social media.  Incorporating an efficient CRM system in your digital marketing strategy will help you gain the most from both. You will have all the benefits of social insights combined with CRM capabilities to strategise marketing efforts, create campaigns, and measure your results.

It won’t cost you an arm and a leg

If you have a customer database, whatever the size or format, you can start harnessing the power of a CRM system without breaking the bank. If you already have a CRM system, but have only been using it to send newsletters from time to time, here are some of the other powerful benefits of a CRM system that could breathe new life into your business.

One single view of the customer

Channels have increased, and there’s no way around it. Customers interact with your product or service, both online and offline. But it might be in a browser on their laptop, or on a phone. They can browse, buy, email, tweet, search, like, share, review… the list goes on! There are so many ways to interact with your customers. All the interaction is impossible for any one team to keep track of. What a CRM system will allow you to do, is store all the data that you have at the customer level, in one place.  If we were to collect all your data, put it in one place, and show you the full 360 of each of your customers, would you take it? You’d be crazy not to!


As you and your customer embark on this journey together, you will get to know your customer and his behavior better with every interaction.  Make use of every opportunity to add information to you customer’s profile by adding tags.  In the long run you should end up with well-defined segments, containing customers who have interacted with your business in a certain way in each segment. This enables you to tailor specific massages to specific segments, e.g. Your message to someone who is tagged as a prospect will be a call to action or special offer to convert him from a prospect to a buying customer.  Your message to existing customers will be one that is aimed at invoking loyalty and repeat purchases i.e. nurturing.  You can decide how deep you want to drill into the data and how many segments you want to differentiate, and it need not be ve

ry complicated.

As you continue to use CRM to monitor and review your interactions with your prospects, you’ll discover that CRM is a goldmine of information that helps you to communicate relevant information to the right customer at the right time.

Creating a tailored, yet automated customer experience

Now that you have used segmentation to convert that prospect into a customer, a CRM system allows you to take the customer on a journey with you.  But there’s a fine line between gently guiding your customer to buy again and barraging them with e-mails and calls, yet nurturing is vital.

The Annuitas Group found that nurtured leads make 47 percent larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. With sales cycles becoming increasingly complex, customer relationship management (CRM) systems have never been more vital.  You can set-up certain triggers to get in touch with your customer.  It could be as simple as an e-mail on the customer’s birthday, offering a special discount.  Another example is to use CRM to guide a customer through an ordering process, keeping them up to date on the status of their order. The possibilities are endless.  With some creativity, and putting yourself in the customer’s shoes, you can craft each and every interaction with your customer to suit his needs.

Knowledge is power

CRM can help you pinpoint which content marketing pieces were the most successful and which failed to deliver. Using the digital trail, you’ll know whether the increase in customer response is based on the social media campaign, the newsletter or a specific promotion. Using this information strategically can help you study each part of your marketing strategy so that you can plan, enhance previous campaigns, and eliminate those that have no effect.

Why Using a Tool to Help You With Your Marketing Strategy

Why Using a Tool to Help You With Your Marketing Strategy

What tool can help us measure the discretionary effort of our workforce?

Summing the metrics for activities ensures no lead is left behind and sales cycles are not unnecessarily longer than they need to be. Companies fail to create connections with their employees and customers. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system can bring clarity and develop strategies and communicate more clearly (internally and externally). If used correctly

, it can help guide us to act with purpose, on purpose.

Do you Know all the answers?

The CRM system can also allow you to track the status of the lead as it works its way through the sales cycle. Was the prospect adequately qualified? Was contact made on time? What was the outcome? Getting the answers to these questions and providing effective technology is critical to a successful integration of marketing systems with a CRM.

The best-planned campaign will suffer if you cannot methodically execute upon it. Keep your campaigns on track; an X2CRM software provides real-time visibility to the status of every target population contact (or possibly groups of contacts). The customer management system can remind you when to initiate follow-ups (or in the case of emails, it can distribute them automatically) and help you maintain the marketing schedule.

Do you have all the information needed?

CRM holds what every marketer needs, like contact data, valuable customer insights. Marketers use this data to personalise and target all of their communication. Without a CRM to organise this information, it would be challenging to segment any contact database. Any functional CRM can create custom user-defined fields such as Title, Interests, Industry, Favorite Color, Favorite Sport, and so on. Salespeople often use this information to build deeper relationships with their clients and tailor their pitches. Marketers can use this information to send these contacts relevant content to help re-engage and push them through the funnel.

A well-run Customer Relationship Management system can help you avoid all the common challenges and improve campaign response rates, conversion rates and marketing budget.

My advice is to get the right tools to help you do your job more efficient.

Do you want to make a career out of being average?

Do you want to make a career out of being average?

Change is hard. Really hard. Your brain is equipped with defence mechanisms designed to shoot down anything that might keep things staying exactly where they are. It’s surprisingly easy to get through life and make a career out of being average… your resistance brain would prefer it if you did.

Life-changing journeys take us from the familiar to the new, the exciting and the unknown. When the pain of where you are being greater than the fear of where you are going, you will change and towards the direction of your dreams.

Time, not

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your asset. Use it to advance your career and life whilst you still have it and get more training and qualifications.

Leaders learn by doing. Leaders learn through purposeful practice. One of the most powerful ways of learning is through stretch assignments, these are assignments that demand we step outside our comfort zone.

Challenging assignments can include the following:

  • The expansion of roles and responsibilities
  • An increase in decision-making authority
  • Dealing with change and diversity
  • Working on new and innovative projects and initiatives
  • Building new teams and capabilities
  • Turning around a troubled project or business unit
  • Leading cross-functional teams
  • Working in a different industry or country

All the above assignments challenge and stretch us, they challenge our thinking and demand that we develop new skills and behaviours for success.

Have you ever experienced any of these challenges when stepping outside your comfort zone?   If so, feel free to share your challenges and experiences with us.

How To Turn Around a Struggling Business ?

How To Turn Around a Struggling Business ?

Turning around a struggling business is far from easy.

As a business owner

, you also understand that business can go up and down. So, what can you do when the company is down, and you find yourself with little or no prospects in your pipeline?

Recommended article:  Enterprise Risk Management

By implementing specific practices for struggling businesses can help attract more clients and increase your sales. Here are a few suggestions that may offer an option to your financial situation.

Write a Business Plan

Companies that write and follow well-thought-out plans are much less likely to get into trouble, but when you’re already in a problem is when you need a plan most of all! Turning around a business takes trainloads of both time and energy. But it also takes a plan! I have yet to hear of a company succeeding without a business plan.

Be a Leader

As a small-business owner, you can help lead the way out of the struggle when you have experience with management skills; you’ll be able to make informed decisions and guide your employees.

Review Your Marketing

Recommended article – The forgotten son of digital marketing

Put an Internet marketing business into perspective. You need to see how it fits into the larger world of “business.” Use the internet and focus on existing clients first; get more out of them. Understand what worked and what didn’t, this will help yo

u to make some critical decisions, such as:

  • Stop wasting time and money on activities that are not delivering a return
  • Come up with ways to improve events that are showing a degree of success
  • Continue with activities that are working well
  • See the gaps! What haven’t you tried that could make a difference?

It is essential to think about how you’re going to track your progress, and this could be through profit, some items sold, or any metric that shows your growth. Set goals detailing where you want to be in a specific time, and create a plan of action. What are you going to do if you get X results? Keeping track of your progress is crucial. Analysing your results help create more successful strategies and therefore better results.

I Lost My Job, What Must I Do Now?

I Lost My Job, What Must I Do Now?

From a career perspective, losing your Job is probably one of the worst things that can happen, especially when it’s not your fault and unexpected.

Recommended Article to Read – Why your tertiary qualification is not enough

Face Reality

There is no point in pretending the rejection doesn’t hurt. When you did have a job,kamagra oral jelly usa

f=””> the routine of going to work every day created an illusion of stability for both you and those around you. Even if you hated the thought of going to work, the mere idea of going into work gave you a sense of purpose. Being out of work, and not knowing what the future holds might cause even more anxiety than having a job you hate.

Time To Think

What bad habits do you need to change? Then pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on. Everything you do during your career can utilize your future, including social-responsibility projects, interests, and hobbies, so nothing is ever lost or in vain. Every time we learn a new skill, we be

come much more marketable.

Take Advantage

Losing your job can be an excellent time to push yourself into a different career path. You now have the opportunity to create a new life for yourself. We have a competitive job market, and if you’re not qualified, your chances of being considered are not that great. The secret is using the time you have to your advantage and development knowledge and skills, understand your values, strengths, natural talents, passions and figuring out how you define success and will then help you to make a discussion on what career path you want to take. Learn with no expectation and no agenda. Only under those conditions is where one’s purpose can emerge.

Whatever you do, we wish you the best of luck in building a new career and a new life.

The forgotten son of digital marketing

CRM Is About More Than Just Newsletters

The forgotten son of digital marketing

The digital marketing landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, and businesses can be forgiven for investing a lot of time and energy into social media campaigns and other digital marketing efforts.  Be careful not to lose sight of the fact that consumers are exposed to so much information on their social media newsfeeds, that if your content is not top-notch, you will get lost in the noise.  Digital marketing is more than just social media.  It is an intricate ecosystem of applications, processes, networks and methodologies that generates a huge amount of data. The value you gain from this data can be maximized with the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution.

Combined data = more insight into your customer

Effective marketing professionals understand that the value of social goes beyond ROI and conversions. Less tangible benefits, like

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brand awareness and market intelligence are also generated from social media.  Incorporating an efficient CRM system in your digital marketing strategy will help you gain the most from both. You will have all the benefits of social insights combined with CRM capabilities to strategise marketing efforts, create campaigns, and measure your results.


It won’t cost you an arm and a leg

If you have a customer database, whatever the size or format, you can start harnessing the power of a CRM system without breaking the bank. If you already have a CRM system, but have only been using it to send newsletters from time to time, here are some of the other powerful benefits of a CRM system that could breathe new life into your business.

  1. One single view of the customer 

Channels have increased, and there’s no way around it. Customers interact with your product or service, both online and offline. But it might be in a browser on their laptop, or on a pho

ne. They can browse, buy, email, tweet, search, like, share, review… the list goes on! There are so many ways to interact with your customers. All the interaction is impossible for any one team to keep track of. What a CRM system will allow you to do, is store all the data that you have at the customer level, in one place.  If we were to collect all your data, put it in one place, and show you the full 360 of each of your customers, would you take it? You’d be crazy not to!

  1. Segmentation

As you and your customer embark on this journey together, you will get to know your customer and his behaviour better with every interaction.  Make use of every opportunity to add information to you customer’s profile by adding tags.  In the long run you should end up with well-defined segments, containing customers who have interacted with your business in a certain way in each segment. This enables you to tailor specific massages to specific segments, e.g. Your message to someone who is tagged as a prospect will be a call to action or special offer to convert him from a prospect to a buying customer.  Your message to existing customers will be one that is aimed at invoking loyalty and repeat purchases i.e. nurturing.  You can decide how deep you want to drill into the data and how many segments you want to differentiate, and it need not be very complicated.

As you continue to use CRM to monitor and review your interactions with your prospects, you’ll discover that CRM is a goldmine of information that helps you to communicate relevant information to the right customer at the right time.

  1. Creating a tailored, yet automated customer experience

Now that you have used segmentation to convert that prospect into a customer, a CRM system allows you to take the customer on a journey with you.  But there’s a fine line between gently guiding your customer to buy again and barraging them with e-mails and calls, yet nurturing is vital.

The Annuitas Group found that nurtured leads make 47 percent larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. With sales cycles becoming increasingly complex, customer relationship management (CRM) systems have never been more vital.  You can set-up certain triggers to get in touch with your customer.  It could be as simple as an e-mail on the customer’s birthday, offering a special discount.  Another example is to use CRM to guide a customer through an ordering process, keeping them up to date on the status of their order. The possibilities are endless.  With some creativity, and putting yourself in the customer’s shoes, you can craft each and every interaction with your customer to suit his needs.

  1. Knowledge is power

CRM can help you pinpoint which content marketing pieces were the most successful and which failed to deliver. Using the digital trail, you’ll know whether the increase in customer response is based on the social media campaign, the newsletter or a specific promotion. Using this information strategically can help you study each part of your marketing strategy so that you can plan, enhance previous campaigns, and eliminate those that have no effect.

5 Reasons Why A Business Mentor Is Your Key To Success

5 Reasons Why A Business Mentor Is Your Key To Success

Being an entrepreneur is an exciting adventure but it also comes with challenges. Not only is it an uphill battle to start up your business – finding capital, convincing investors, hiring the right people. It’s also a battle even after you’re up and running. You need to have a lot of belief in yourself and your business idea in order to do this but it’s not enough. Most start-up ventures end in failure.

Richard Branson once said,


If you are an entrepreneur and your first venture wasn’t a success, welcome to the club.”

If you already have a business, you’ve probably already had moments when you’ve questioned yourself and the true value of your business. The key is finding ways to work through these moments and knowing how to handle every challenge that leads to them. That’s where your business mentor comes in.

 1.  A mentor will provide you with guidance

In business, there are often moments where you are unsure of what your next step should be. Maybe you have a problematic staff member you‘re not sure how to manage, maybe you’re not sure which of your potential investment is truly the most valuable. This is when a conversation with your business mentor is vital. And in the current digital age, a face-to-face conversation isn’t even necessary – you can easily schedule an online conference call or an informal chat with your mentor on the many social media platforms available.

You may find that you are on the right path and all you really need is a dose of self-confidence to remove the doubt causing you to question your direction. On the other hand, you may find that you truly may have lost direction. It is easy to get caught up in the ins and outs of business on a daily basis. This can cause you to lose track of the bigger picture especially if you are a business owner that also works as an employee of the business. It’s great to be as involved as possible in your business – knowing the daily functions of your business may be beneficial to you and your business. However, you may also need an outside

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perspective to remind you of your ultimate goals, aims and the purpose of your business.

2.  A mentor is the best source of encouragement and motivation

Being in business is exhausting. Sometimes you can simply just be tired and drowning in the constant challenges. You may begin to question the value of your business. You may even consider quitting. If you’re overloaded with challenges, it is hard to see the light at t

he end of the tunnel. Having an objective, outside perspective on things will help in these situations. Facing challenges in business that seem insurmountable is actually normal – you may need someone who has been through this to remind you that challenges are normal and you have to manage them in order to succeed. An experienced mentor will be able to tell you the difference between a challenge you have to face head-on vs. a challenge that could mean the end of your business.

3.  Your mentor can be the foundation of your network and valuable connections

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”

 – One of the expressions you’ll hear in business many times.

The expression is, of course, highly debatable. Many don’t believe that connections truly trump knowledge, skills or experience. But any business professional will tell you that a good network is essential to keeping a business alive and thriving. A mentor is the greatest connection you can have because not only is their main purpose to assist you in making your business great – they can also be the key to unlocking the rest of your business network. If you have a good, trusting relationship with your mentor they are most likely to connect you with other people who can be useful to your business. This can be an investor, a partnership, a source of useful resources, or just like-minded people in your field. Your mentor, therefore, becomes the most important foundation to build your network on.

4.  A mentor gives you access to the valuable experience you don’t have yet

There is certain knowledge, especially in business, which is not available to you in the form of textbooks or internet searches. But it is important that you are open to the knowledge your mentor can provide you. Be prepared to learn, adapt and change as necessary for your own growth as well as your business. You will often have to be open to constructive criticism, constant judgment and facing the harsh realities of business. Be ready and remember, it’s for your own good and the benefit of your business.

5.  Your mentor is the trustworthy perspective you can always go to for help

Make sure that the mentor you chose is a person you can trust your business with. You’ll need to have a very open dialogue with your mentor in order to acquire real, valuable knowledge from them. If you are not fully comfortable with your mentor, not only will you not be able to take their criticism, but you may not even be able to ask that they provide you with the criticism or advice that you need in the first place. This defeats the whole purpose of having a mentor at all. There is no room for pride or overconfidence in business – the naked truth can only benefit you.

Finding a mentor is easy, but you need to find a valuable mentor in order to succeed. You may even need to have many different mentors that you go to for different aspects of your business. That’s because having a mentor is about having someone more knowledgeable, skilled or experienced around to benefit you and your business. Business mentors will come in many different shapes and sizes – it’s your job to find the right fit for you.